Paper: The intervention of community role for improving health status of pregnant women suffering HIV-AIDS in Medan

The intervention of community role for improving health status of pregnant women suffering HIV-AIDS in Medan(Article)(Open Access)

  • Department of Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, University of Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. Maas, Kampus US, U, Medan, 20155, Indonesia

Abstract View references (27)

AIM: This research was aimed to analyse the influence of the intervention towards the pregnancy health status of the HIV-AIDS patients. METHODS: The type of the experiment is a quasi-experiment, and statistically analysed with SPSS 17. The data collection was held by spreading questionnaires and conducting interviews. The sample of the research consists of 39 pregnant mothers with HIV-AIDS in Medan, Indonesia. The intervention provided counselling about the treatment for expectant mothers with HIV-AIDS involving the community. RESULTS: The result of the research generally shows that intervention potentially increase the knowledge and the attitude of the pregnant mother. Intervention has a significant result which is p < 0.05, high-risk detection, ANC, selection of birth assistance and healthcare service provider. CONCLUSION: Intervention has an impact in increasing the knowledge, attitude and health status of the pregnant mothers. The involvement of the society takes an important role in the healthcare of the expectant mothers with HIV-AIDS. © 2018 Siti Saidah Nasution, Erniyati Erniyati.
