COVID-19 has “devastating” effect on women and girls


She said that Ebola virus disease illustrated the need for “simple steps” to facilitate access to health care. “This can include moving sexual and reproductive health services and care out of hospitals or into the community, or the free distribution [of contraception] at pharmacies or other places where women are not scared to go”, she said.  

Limited resource countries

Kanem agreed, adding “We're at a point where people are avoiding health systems for fear of COVID-19, so the role of the midwife, the role of the community health worker, the ability of someone to receive contraception of their choice close to their places where they reside is absolutely essential.”

“In the UK, abortion at home via telemedicine was rapidly implemented meaning that women and girls have still been able to access safe services, but we have not seen equivalent rapid policy change in other countries, and also many countries lack the infrastructure required to make telemedicine work”, she said.
