PAPER: The Intervention of Community Role for Improving Health Status of Pregnant Women Suffering HIV-AIDS in Medan
The Intervention of Community Role for Improving Health Status of Pregnant Women Suffering HIV-AIDS in Medan
Nasution, S. S., & Erniyati, E. (2018). The Intervention of Community Role for Improving Health Status of Pregnant Women Suffering HIV-AIDS in Medan. Open access Macedonian journal of medical sciences, 6(9), 1768.
This research was aimed to analyse the influence of the intervention towards the pregnancy health status of the HIV-AIDS patients.
The type of the experiment is a quasi-experiment, and statistically analysed with SPSS 17. The data collection was held by spreading questionnaires and conducting interviews. The sample of the research consists of 39 pregnant mothers with HIV-AIDS in Medan, Indonesia. The intervention provided counselling about the treatment for expectant mothers with HIV-AIDS involving the community.
The result of the research generally shows that intervention potentially increase the knowledge and the attitude of the pregnant mother. Intervention has a significant result which is p < 0.05, high-risk detection, ANC, selection of birth assistance and healthcare service provider.
Intervention has an impact in increasing the knowledge, attitude and health status of the pregnant mothers. The involvement of the society takes an important role in the healthcare of the expectant mothers with HIV-AIDS.
Keywords: Pregnant Mother, HIV-AIDS, Intervention, Community Role
The method was the quasi-experiment type, with the pretest-posttest design. Intervention is done in two stages: the first phase of forming community team consisting of health professionals to be involved in health care counselling. The team was trained and educated with materials that are related to the care of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum and infants of mothers with HIV/AIDS. Then the team conducted counselling on pregnant women who have HIV/AIDS. Intervention by giving counselling to pregnant women was performed with media leaflets and posters. After intervention for 6 months, the measurement of the behaviour of pregnant women on the variance of knowledge and attitudes has conducted. Maternal health status is measured from the record of high-risk detection, the implementation of antenatal care, the selection of birth attendants and the selection of pregnancy and health checkpoints. Data analysis was performed with the frequency distribution and presentation, T-test dependent and regression.
In conclusion, the implementation of Interventions through community involvement in the health care of pregnant women who have HIV/AIDS has an impact in optimising the knowledge and the maternal health status. The result of data analysis shows that there is a change in knowledge and attitude with p-value < 0.05 (p = 0.0001). Maternal behaviours related to health status that have a significant effect are high-risk detection, ANC implementation, selection of birth assistance and selection of treatment sites.
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