New World for me

I am a quantitative learner and researcher. I learn about Epidemiology and Biostatistics in The University of Melbourne-Victoria and teach these topics in my working place, Sriwijaya University-Indonesia. I also have published some books related to Epidemiology and Statistics in Health in Indonesian language ( and conducted some research applying quantitative approach. However, for my PhD journey, I have to learn about a new world, a new approach, Qualitative Research.

How should I deal with this condition? Honestly, it is not easy, but I keep learning with two great supervisors, Dr. Sari Andajani and Assoc Prof Sharyn Graham Davies. I am lucky to have them during my journey

This blog is one media to share what I read during my journey to understand qualitative approach, particularly feminism, empowerment theory, participatory action research, focus group discussion, interview and visual methods

Happy Qualitative Learner for Health Approach

My aim, one week, one summary of a chapter/article/book/anything.


Oct 2015-...............2019
PhD candidate
Auckland University of Technology
